한국에서 받은 학위가 미국의 학위와 동등한지 증명하는 서류를 발급하기 위해서는 에 등록된 멤버들의 사업체에서 가능하다.
여기서는 해당 웹사이트들의 가장 기본적인 서비스(General Report)의 비용을 비교해보겠다.

A2Z Evaluations, LLC  $215

Academic Evaluation Services, Inc. $100

Center for Applied Research, Evaluation and Education, Inc. $120

Educational Credential Evaluators, Inc. ??

Educational Perspectives, nfp  $125

Educational Records Evaluation Service, Inc. ??

Evaluation Service, Inc. $75 (7-10 business day)

Foreign Academic Credential Service, Inc. $100

Foundation for International Services, Inc. $100 (two weeks)

Global Credential Evaluators, Inc. $100

Global Services Associates, Inc. ??

International Academic Credential Evaluators, Inc. $125

International Consultants of Delaware, Inc.  $75 (How long ??.)

International Education Evaluations, Inc. $85 ( 5 b days)

International Education Research Foundation, Inc. $85 (10days)

Josef Silny and Associates, Inc. International Education Consultants  $??

SpanTran: The Evaluation Company $85(10bdays)

Transcript Research ??

World Education Services, Inc. ??